Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pamper your hands..

Due to constant exposure to water, detergents, wind, air-conditioning and sun, our hands lose moisture and elasticity. Therefore our hands deserve the same treatment, if not more, as our face and body.

In order to keep the skin on the backs of your hands soft and smooth, exfoliate the area regularly. This will prevent them from aging prematurely. You can also apply a relaxing mask to the back of your hands, along your fingers and down to the base of the nails. Carefully hold your hands over a bowl of hot water, so the steam can activate the mask. Then wipe away and moisturize. Use an intensive hand cream that will give long-lasting hydration and improve the appearance of your skin and nails.

While cuticle creams and oils are a must to avoid painful hangnails and dry cuticles, some people have rough skin all round the tips of their fingers. You can slather the oil or a very thick moisturizer over the skin and slip your hands into some soft cotton gloves. You may also want to wear the cotton gloves while doing your household chores, just until your skin heals.

If you love long nails and cannot bear it if you split or tear one, then a repair kit is a must-have. Square sides help to reinforce the fingernails and prevent splits and breakage.

A good start to strengthening weak nails from the inside out is to eat foods rich in protein and calcium. However while waiting for the new diet to take it's effect, try one of the fantastic topical treatments that can turn severely damaged nails into strong, sturdy talons.