Thursday, October 30, 2008

I am sorry...

Hi all, I have to apologize for our 'down' website - I know that it has been down for the past few days, and you ladies are waiting patiently for it to return. Our web-masters have been working very hard to solve the problem. I promised that we will get the website back as soon as possible. In the meantime, really appreciate all your concerns and enquiries that were coming in, and coming back to our site to check on it. A big hug to all of you. Now back to working on the site. See you soon!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Think color

Choose foods with strong flavors and you are more likely to stick to your healthy eating plan. Bland diet foods leave you feeling unsatisfied and deprived, leaving you psychologically hungry even when you are full.

The more colors on your plate, the more vitamins. Your body will continue to crave until its vitamin, mineral essential fatty acid quota is satisfied. Think tomatoes, avocados, citrus, salmon, broccoli etc.

Spicy foods make a meal more satisfying, so less seems like more. Chilli, ginger and black pepper also boost your metabolism, which raises the body temperature so you will burn more energy for up to three hours after eating.

When it comes to carbohydrates, think brown. White versions have been processed, which essentially means they are partially digested before they reach your plate. Unprocessed versions like brown rice, wholegrain bread and wholemeal pasta keep you fuller for longer bacause they keep your body busy for longer.

Trim the fat from all meats and marinate them in tasty low-fat homemade marinades such as soy and grated ginger, lemon with thyme and chilli. The marinade keeps the meat moist without the fat when grilling or barbecuing.

Seafood is filling, flavorsome and low in saturated fat. White fish and shellfish are virtually fat free, while oily fish such as salmon and mackerel are high in omega-3 fat, essential for a happy mind and a healthy body. Grill or poach fish and serve with lemon and pepper.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Healthier ways to BBQ

Holiday session is coming and many chalets and bbqs to attend. Just a little reminder when you are barbecuing:

Cooking meat over an open flame creates chemicals long suspected of increasing cancer risk. According to two new studies, eating barbecued red meat may raise the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in post-menopausal women. Take these tips to heart:

-Scrape off any charred portions, which contain many of the chemicals believed to lead to cancer.
-Keep the temperature lower to lessen the smoke and flames that reach the food and raise the barbecued racks.
-Flip with tongs or a spatula - a fork pierces food, releasing juice and fat that lead to flare-ups.
-Choose skinless chicken and fish. They do not appear to raise cancer risk.
-Microwave meat before barbecuing to reduce time over the charcoal and use an oil-free marinade to hinder the formation of cancer-causing chemicals.
-Make kebabs with fruits and vegetables, which do not form harmful chemicals when flame-cooked.

Happy eating!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tool of the trade

A good lip brush will banish two great make-up sins - harsh liner and crooked lipstick. You will get a better result if you apply color with a brush because you can blend the liner into the main shade and get a smoother finish - plus you will be able to dig out that last bit of lipstick from the tube. Use your lip brush to apply concealer too - after a thorough cleaning, of course!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Do you know...

Most cleansers, moisturizers and exfoliators for men are all right for women to use. Male and female skincare products are quite similar in terms of main active ingredients. The only differences are in the fragrance, menthol or slightly higher concentrations of some ingredients. You can use his products when staying over. However, do take note that prescribed skincare products should not be shared.

You do not have to pack your own skincare now. Isn't that great?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Too much Laundry Detergent

Just as recent, i had found out something that everyone of us had been facing with everyday. Something regarding our daily needs, which is washing our inner wear.

Have you ever face these?

- frequent discharge

- irritation / itchiness

- for no reason it's like puking too much.

Sometimes we'll be thinking if we had washed them correctly (Is it clean enough?).

Improper handling and washing of our inner wear directly causes us to react to what we had done.

Washing with excessive laundry detergent leaves chemical residue in our inner garments when not properly rinse. Building our "dear sisters" to react adversely to these chemicals can caused them to fall sick easily. because the residue left by our laundry detergent is not properly rinsed off !

So i URGE all of you to wash your inner garments gently and rinse with plenty of water and few drops of laundry detergent would do. Instead of pouring a capful of laundry detergent or powder just to wash a few pieces of garments.

Sometimes when you're overseas, it'll be good if you could use body soap to wash them and rinse them thoroughly with water. Body soap / shower foam are specifically designed for our body and are actually good washing agents for our inner garments. Due to fact that our inner garments is directly in contact to our flesh and into our inner body.

Bear in mind also. Do not soak your inner garment in laundry detergents for too many days. Our body just can't take that many strong chemicals.

This tip would generally allow help you in understanding why is our "dear sisters" falling sick so frequently.

So from now onwards, plenty of water to rinse and a few drops of detergent is more than sufficient ! Do let me know if it improves the situation ! I didn't know about this either until someone share this with me.

Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm back...

Hi all, sorry I had not blogged for awhile.. Had been busy working.. the usual... :) despite the busy schedule, I had not stopped in sourcing out good products to be brought in here. And I sincerely appreciate all your patience and understanding. Do continue to show your support for Little Dreamer Inc. Stay tuned! 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nature's remedies to zap everyday ailments

Cystitis - Cranberry
Cystitis occurs when bacteria attach themselves to the lining of the bladder and develop into an infection. Women suffer with cystitis tend to have "sticky" bladder walls, and an acidic chemical compound found in cranberries seems to prevent bacteria from getting a hold. A daily dose of unsweetened cranberry juice can significantly reduce the number of infections over a year.

Fatigue - Ginseng
Unlike caffeine, which causes a spike then a slump in our blood sugar levels, ginseng encourages the body to use up energy stores from the carbohydrates we have previously consumed. Ginseng is an adaptogen, which means it boosts energy levels and endurance without leaving you feeling jumpy, tetchy or giddy. Diabetics should use ginseng only under supervision.

IBS - Probiotics
Symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) include diarrhea, indigestion, gas, constipation and cramping which may be caused by an imbalance of healthy gut bacteria, or probiotics. Good bacteria such as acidophilus help the digestive tract work properly, but sometimes, the balance is tipped, especially after a course of antibiotics or time of stress. Taking a probiotic supplement can significantly help to re-balance the healthy bacteria in the gut. Probiotics can also boost immunity, making you less susceptible to bugs.

Food cravings - Chromium
Chromium works with insulin to regulate blood sugar levels, reducing cravings for sweet foods and potentially helping weight loss. Oysters, whole grains and potatoes are all good sources. Modern farming methods however, mean trace minerals such as selenium and chromium have been virtually eliminated from our soil, so you may need a supplement as well.

PMS - Agnus Castus ( also known as Chasteberry)
Sore breasts, irritability, spots, depression and bloating are all common symptoms of PMT (premenstrual syndrome). In a recent study, these symptoms were found to be significantly reduced by taking agnus castus. PMS can be caused by an excess of the hormone prolactin and the agnus castus fruit suppresses the release of the hormone from the pituitary gland.