Thursday, October 9, 2008

Too much Laundry Detergent

Just as recent, i had found out something that everyone of us had been facing with everyday. Something regarding our daily needs, which is washing our inner wear.

Have you ever face these?

- frequent discharge

- irritation / itchiness

- for no reason it's like puking too much.

Sometimes we'll be thinking if we had washed them correctly (Is it clean enough?).

Improper handling and washing of our inner wear directly causes us to react to what we had done.

Washing with excessive laundry detergent leaves chemical residue in our inner garments when not properly rinse. Building our "dear sisters" to react adversely to these chemicals can caused them to fall sick easily. because the residue left by our laundry detergent is not properly rinsed off !

So i URGE all of you to wash your inner garments gently and rinse with plenty of water and few drops of laundry detergent would do. Instead of pouring a capful of laundry detergent or powder just to wash a few pieces of garments.

Sometimes when you're overseas, it'll be good if you could use body soap to wash them and rinse them thoroughly with water. Body soap / shower foam are specifically designed for our body and are actually good washing agents for our inner garments. Due to fact that our inner garments is directly in contact to our flesh and into our inner body.

Bear in mind also. Do not soak your inner garment in laundry detergents for too many days. Our body just can't take that many strong chemicals.

This tip would generally allow help you in understanding why is our "dear sisters" falling sick so frequently.

So from now onwards, plenty of water to rinse and a few drops of detergent is more than sufficient ! Do let me know if it improves the situation ! I didn't know about this either until someone share this with me.